Ye its ONLY 3 days to exam which ends current school, and then I must choose another one... Ye... DAMN! IT'S THREE DAYS!!! And after that choosing school... I can't make it... I KNOW WHAT I WILL DO!!! I WILL KILL MYSELF WITH PLASTIC SPOON!!!
P.S. my project is eee... restarted... Why? You remember my problems with net? Ye... That was viruses! About 350 viruses!! So i had a format of my computer... and I lost my files, programs... everything (it was about 100 GB of data). But don't worry holydays are comin'!
P.S.2 Ye but what with choosing of school (papers, documents etc.)?
P.S.3 I like write P.S.
P.S.4 Realy.
DUde... I want to hear more!!
Sux you had to format you're computer..
Tell me what progs u used Maybe i can help you ;-)
-DJ Martcore
Don't worry m8 I'm on way to have FL studio soon (If my friend won't forget)